Saturday, September 26, 2015

Seven Year Itchy

I am highly allergic to bug bites.  I know you may think everybody gets a mosquito bite now and then and I should just get it together and join the rest of humanity.  Well, my body's reaction to bug bites is inhuman, so shut up.  No, I do not go into anaphylactic shock but nor do I spend a few days feeling mildly irritated by the bump on my arm.  No, my body finds a middle ground.  I spend at least a week ready to rip off whatever limb (currently my forehead), has been bitten due to the excruciating itch.  The site of the bite grows to the size of a large citrus fruit and looks much like the skin of said citrus fruit. Yes, it is frightening. I have gone to my general practitioner one or two occasions and her reaction has been almost as extreme as my body's.  She actually gasped. Then promptly tested for MERCA (a crazy flesh eating bacteria) and put me on antibiotics with sulfur in them.  I did not have MERCA and the bite did not diminish any faster.
So, I suppose it is excellent that I need not carry an epipen but that knowledge does little to soothe the elbow, shin or finger that has been abused  so harshly by the insect kingdom.  I carry a tube of benedryl and a bottle of bug replent in my purse from April first through November, after all one never knows when an outdoor event that should not be missed will crop up!
My question is, when will the beekeeper's get up come back into fashion?  

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